Sunday, February 7, 2010

End Motion Sickness With Ginger Tea?

Motion sickness is a pretty common affliction and anyone who suffers from it can tell you it's not fun. Motion sickness can strike in a car, airplane, ship or boat, train, camel, horse, amusement park ride and even a flight simulator.

According to surveys, car sickness affects 58 percent of children, incapacitating airsickness occurs in 29 percent of airline pilots, space-motion sickness occurs in 50 percent of space shuttle astronauts, and up to 100 percent of ship passengers suffer from motion sickness. With so many people challenged by this problem, wouldn’t it be great if there were a simple and delicious remedy?

For years, people have touted ginger root’s ability to soothe an upset stomach and it has even shown promising results in many clinical trials.

Personally, I can't handle the taste of straight ginger and I'm not a fan of pills but I have found a great solution that works wonders for me...tea with ginger syrup.

I was lucky enough to find a delicious ginger syrup from an up and coming food company called Kilimanjaro Foods. I bought a bottle of their Sunrise Ginger Syrup, followed their ginger tea recipe and mixed up a nice tall glass. Not only was it delicious but it practically eliminated my motion sickness a few hours later as I drove to my aunt's house (I had a cup of ginger tea with me that I sipped on along the way). So now ginger tea is a staple of mine any time I know I'll be in a car.

So if you or someone you know suffers from motion sickness, why not get a bottle of Sunrise Ginger Syrup, make up some ginger tea and give it a try?

Jenn Robinson

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